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Advanced Search Technique

MatWeb's Advanced Search combines all of the current search functionality into the single most powerful search MatWeb has to offer.

To perform a search using Advanced Search:

  • Find the type of searches you want to conduct from the Search Type area.
  • Select or input the initial set of criteria of the search into the drop down or text boxes. You may choose one criterion from each box for the initial search (Registered users are limited to 3 criteria).
  • Click on the "Search" button to begin the search.
  • The criteria of the search will appear under the Search Criteria area along with the result count.
  • These steps may be repeated up to the maximum number of criteria allowed by your user level (3 for registered; 10 for Premium).

To delete criteria from a search:

  • Click on the trash can next to the criterion you wish to delete. Any criterion in the search can be deleted.

Ordering and paging search results:

  • The default order of search results is MatWeb's index numbering system, which is designed to keep similar materials together. Premium users can sort the results set by property/composition value (increasing or decreasing) or alphabetical by name (ascending or descending). The sort order can be changed by clicking the up/down arrows by the column heading on the search results.
  • To change the number of results per page, select the desired quantity under "Results" and then click the "Apply" button.
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