Add Your Company's Material Data to MatWeb - It's Free
Hundreds of companies have partnered with MatWeb to allow our users to have a comprehensive data resource. We don't charge manufacturers/suppliers/compounders to add their technical data to MatWeb for two reasons - we want MatWeb to be current and cover as wide a range of materials as possible. Companies benefit by getting exposure for their products.
What format does MatWeb require?
Manufacturer partners that submit data via electronic spreadsheet or database (Excel, Access, FoxPro,
Lotus, etc.) retain greater control over the information AND make our job easier. If you don't already
have data in such a format, ask us for a template to serve as a guide for the materials properties and data
format that MatWeb uses. If you dont have your material data in electronic format, paper or manufacturer web sites are
fine too, especially for small product lines.
How do I get a template?
Just call us at (540) 552-5300 or email us at We'll also be happy to answer any questions you have.
View a list of companies that are already on MatWeb.