Scientific equipment and supplies for use in materials analysis.
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Try our Flash demo! Locate alloys based on their constituent elements! |
Instructions: Select up to three elements (be sure to enter a minimum value, a maximum value,
or both), choose a metal search category (optional), select whether the metal must match at least one or all of the search criteria
(all is the default), and click the 'Find' button. A list of list of descriptive names of alloys will be returned, each of which links to the full datasheet.
More detailed instructions and examples.
The MatWeb database contains the full limiting composition of an alloy, including minimum and maximum values specified for each element, when
available. Values are almost always based on the Weight Percentage of each constituent element. If any part of the composition range overlaps with any part of the range that you enter in a search above, then a match is
established. For example, if you are searching for alloys with a chromium content of 20-25%, then one of the alloys returned by MatWeb
will be Nimonic Alloy PK33 (with a chromium content between 16-20%).
Please note that the full chemical composition range of an alloy is not always available; in such cases MatWeb reports the nominal
composition. For example Special Metals has provided MatWeb with limiting composition ranges for Inconel 718 but only the
nominal composition of Inconel alloy MA 754.
MatWeb has calculated numerical values for constituent elements that are reported as the 'balance' after all other elements are
totaled. For example, the iron content of Invar 36 listed in MatWeb is 63%, since 63% is the remainder after the nickel and the minor
components have been subtracted from 100%. Please note that in some cases, these remainder values may fall outside of the composition
of the actual alloy.
More Search Strategies on How to Find Information in MatWeb.