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Titanium Alloy Property Data


MatWeb has entries for over 300 titanium alloys and heat treatments - including generic entries for both common and rare alloys, Nitinol shape memory alloy, and data from specific titanium producers such as Timet, Kobe Steel, and Allegheny Ludlum.  Once you navigate to the specific material data sheets, you will find complete property data for the titanium alloys of your choice - such as the ultimate tensile strength and fracture toughness of Ti-3Al-2.5V or the coefficient of thermal expansion of annealed Titanium Grade 12.  General properties that do not vary much with composition are reported in MatWeb's Titanium Alloys, General entry.

Values for the pure element are found under the name Titanium, Ti.  Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, and 12 and considered 'unalloyed' titanium and have similar mechanical properties.  Grades 1 through 4 allow increasing levels of impurities.  Grades 7 and 11 have 0.2% palladium added to improve titanium's already excellent corrosion resistance.  Grade 12 features 0.8% Ni and 0.3% Mo to improve the corrosion resistance at a lower cost than Pd. Titanium alloys generally feature higher strength than unalloyed titanium.

The fastest and surest way to find the database entries for all titaninum alloys is to follow the link above and Search By Material Type and then select "Titanium Alloy" under the nonferrous metals heading; this feature is reproduced below:

Click here
(Click on the image to go there)

You can also choose "Titanium Alloy" in conjunction with property values when you Search By Property.  This will help you to find the alloys that meet your design requirements as a part of the materials selection process.

Titanium alloys can be difficult to find by a text-based search due to a lack of standardized alloy designations.  When performing searches using text you input, please keep in mind that the MatWeb text-based search is sensitive to punctuation, it will treat Ti-6-4 differently than Ti 6-4.  The UNS number when available is supported by MatWeb. It may be entered in our text search (upper right of this page) or you may visit our specific UNS Search Page.

No matter how you reach MatWeb's entries for specific alpha, beta, alpha-beta, or unalloyed titanium entries, you will find complete physical property data.  The MatWeb staff has collected extensive data to bring you values for properties such as density, hardness, fatigue strength, ultimate tensile strength, fracture toughness, hardness, etc.

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