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PolyOne Geon® 180X5 Polyvinyl Chloride Homopolymer (PVC)

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Subcategory: Polymer; Thermoplastic; Vinyl

Material Notes:


  • Low molecular weight resin providing faster fusion characteristics
  • Rheology modifying resin providing increased viscosity and yield
  • Good low density chemical foam characteristics with excellent overblow resistance


  • Use where high Brookfield Viscosity and yield, or good chemical foam properties are required
  • Low density chemically blown foams
  • Plastisol Printing Inks
  • Fabric coating applications requiring low "wicking" characteristics
  • Highly plasticized formulations
Dispersion Polymerization Process

Disclaimer: Note: Plastisol Formulation F1 consists of 100 parts of this resin + 60 parts DOP.
Note: Plastisol Formulation F2 consists of 100 parts of this resin + 57 parts DOP + 3 parts ESO + 2 parts Synpron® 940.
Note: The values set forth represent "typical" values and PolyOne Corporation, therefore, makes no representation that the material in any particular shipment will conform to the listed properties.
Manufacturing Location: This resin is produced at PolyOne's Pedricktown, NJ facility, which is ISO 9002 certified.
Packaging: This resin is shipped in multi-wall paper bags, net weight 50 lbs, 2500 lbs per pallet. Information shown on the package includes commercial identification number, lot and weight.

Information provided by PolyOne Corporation.

We're sorry, but our sources do not report any other information for this material. We are limited by the information available from our sources, which often are not as complete as we would like.
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Instant Quotes for Quick Parts!Upload your 3D CAD model, select process, quantity, material, and instantly receive your unique, binding quote.

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