Sapphire (Aluminum Oxide - Al2O3) Single Crystal
Subcategory: Oxide, Aluminum; Oxide
Close Analogs: MatWeb lists a large selection of polycrstalline aluminum oxides.
Key Words: Single Crystal Substrate; MarkeTech International, aluminium oxide; Sapphire; Ceramics
Material Notes: Data provided by the supplier, MarkeTech International. Sapphire is grown by several methods: Boule form (Czochralski), in plate form, or as tubes, rods and plates. Boules are grown up to 8" diameter and 6" long. Plates can be formed up to 12" square and 1" thick. Rods and tubes can be grown up to 72" long. Sapphire is characterized by its high hardness (next to diamond on the Mohs scale), chemical and thermal stability, high application temperature, and transparency in the IR range. It is widely used as windows for instruments, high temperature parts, and wear resistance. Also used for deposition of III-V nitrides for LEDs, Lasers, etc. Standard orientation: <0001>; GaN Lattice Mismatch 14%.
Available Properties |
- Density
- a Lattice Constant
- c Lattice Constant
- Hardness, Mohs
- Dielectric Constant
- CTE, linear 20°C
- Specific Heat Capacity
- Thermal Conductivity
- Melting Point
- Transmission, Visible
Property Data |
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