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Saint-Gobain Chemfab® 1590 PTFE Coated Fiberglass Conveyor Belting


Subcategory: Glass Fiber

Material Notes:
Description: General Notes on Saint Gobain Open Mesh Belting Products:
CHEMFAB 1580, 1589 and 1590 are woven fiberglas belting materials designed for use in forced hot air curing ovens. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics offers UVR versions of thse products, which are designed for use in UV (ultraviolet light) curing ovens.
Dimensional Stability: Width rigidity as well as length stability is maintained by CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting in continuous use at temperatures up to 600°F. Under normal operating tensions (3 to 10 pounds per inch of width), CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting holds its elongation and shrinkage to less than 1%.
Release Properties: The release properties of CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting equal or exceed those of any other available belting material. The PTFE coating makes CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting unique in its low coefficient of friction.
Chemically Resistant:The PTFE coating encapsulates the Nomex belting carcass and enhances its useful service life.
Dynamic Strength: CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting's durability, coupled with low overall belt weight, allows optimal production speed with decreased power requirements.
Temperature Resistant: CHEMFAB Open Mesh Belting can be operated continuously at temperatures up to 600°F and will still maintain 100% of its operational profile.
Fabrication Technology: Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics seams have been specifically engineered to reduce the flex fatigue failure. Substantially reduced flex fatigue means longer belt life. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics offers a wide variety of seams specifically designed to reduce flex fatigue, including spiral, pin, metal and a truly endless belt. Special end reinforcements with the same properties as the belt provides durable non-fraying edge to facilitate tracking.

Notes on 1590 PTFE Coated Fiberglass Conveyor Belting:
Chemfab® 1590 is a Leno weave belting material designed for use in forced hot air curing ovens. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics also offers a UVR version of this product that is designed for use in UV (ultraviolet light) curing ovens (Chemfab® 1590 UVR). The substrate is fiberglass and the coating material is PTFE (PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene). All data based on a 0.033 inch test sample.
Information provided by Saint Gobain Performance Products.

Available Properties
  • Density
  • Elongation at Yield
  • Tear Strength
  • Weight (oz/yd^2)
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