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Thermal Ceramics 607 Max Superwool Pyro-Fold and Pyro-Stack Modules


Material Notes:
Superwool Pyro-Fold modules are accordion fold blocks used for lining industrial furnaces.

Superwool Pyro-Stack modules are similar to the Pyro-Fold modules with the blanket cut and stacked edge-grain rather than continuously folded.

Superwool, CMS wools are uniquely designed from pure raw materials (Calcium-Magnesium-Silicate), and specially processed to offer excellent performance in high-temperature applications. Superwool offers an alternative to traditional solutions due to its unique properties of high refractoriness and excellent non-wetting characteristics to applications requiring direct contact with molten aluminum. These light weight wools are resistant to thermal shock, provide low thermal conductivity and low heat storage combined with their enhanced solubility in body fluids. Superwool modules are available in a variety of attachment systems that utilize 316 stainless steel yoke and support tubes to meet most installation needs.

Superwool provides stability and resistance to chemical attack. Exceptions include hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid and strong alkalies (i.e. NaOH, KOH). Superwool is unaffected by incidental spills of oil or water. Thermal and physical properties are restored after drying.


  • Accordian style construction or edge-grain
  • Choice of available attachment systems
  • Non-wetting to molten aluminum
  • Low biopersistence
  • Thermal stability
  • Low heat storage
  • Flexible and resilient
  • Immune to thermal shock
  • Excellent thermal insulating performance
  • Based on patented technology
  • Applications:

  • Homogenizing furnaces
  • Process heaters
  • Ceramic kiln
  • Annealing furnace
  • Heat treating furnace
  • Thermal oxidizers
  • Information provided by Thermal Ceramics

    Available Properties
    • Density
    • Thermal Conductivity
    • Melting Point
    • Maximum Service Temperature, Air
    • Alumina Content
    Property Data

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