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Kaiser Aluminum Alloy 7068 T76, T76511 Rod & Bar


Subcategory: Aluminum Alloy; Nonferrous Metal; 7000 Series Aluminum Alloy

Close Analogs: AMS 4331

Aluminum content is determined by balance.

Material Notes:
Alloy 7068 offers some of the highest strength mechanical properties available in an extruded product. Intended for aerospace, ordnance and light weight recreational applications where extremely high strength is required. Property levels are typically in the 100 ksi range for ultimate strengths.

  1. Ratings A through E are relative ratings in decreasing order of merit, based on exposures to sodium chloride solution by intermittent spraying or immersion. Alloys with A and B ratings can be used in industrial and seacoast atmospheres without protection. Alloys with C, D and E ratings generally should be protected at least on faying surfaces.
  2. Stress-corrosion cracking ratings are based on service experience and laboratory tests of specimens exposed to the 3.5% sodium chloride alternate immersion test.
    A= No known instance of failure in service or in laboratory tests.
    B= No known instance of failure in service; limited failures in laboratory tests of short transverse specimens.
    C= Service failures with sustained tension stress acting in short transverse direction relative to grain structure; limited failures in laboratory tests of long transverse specimens.
    D= Limited service failures with sustained longitudinal or long transverse
  3. Ratings A through D for Workability (cold), A through E for Machinability and A through C for Anodize Response, are relative ratings in decreasing order of merit.
  4. Ratings A through D for Weldability and Brazeability are relative ratings defined as follows:
    A= Generally weldable by all commercial procedures and methods.
    B= Weldable with special techniques or for specific applications that justify preliminary trials or testing to develop welding procedure and weld performance.
    C= Limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanical properties.
    D= No commonly used welding methods have been developed.

Available Properties
  • Density
  • Hardness, Brinell
  • Tensile Strength, Ultimate
  • Tensile Strength, Yield
  • Elongation at Break
  • Electrical Resistivity
  • CTE, linear 20°C
  • Specific Heat Capacity
  • Melting Point
  • Anodize Response3
  • Arc Weldability4
  • Brazeability4
  • Cold Workability3
  • Gas Weldability4
  • General Corrosion Resistance1
  • Machinability3
  • Spot Weldability4
  • Stress Corrosion Resistance2
  • Volumetric CTE m³/m³-K
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