Applications:Easy-Flo 3 is recommended for use on stainless steels subject to chloride corrosion, such as marine hardware, fishing tackle, and some dairy equipment cleaned with bleaching solutions and other equipment exposed to chlorinated water.
While Easy-Flo is used successfully on many stainless steel assemblies where corrosion in service is not severe, it is better and safer to use Easy-Flo 3 for all stainless steel joints where the end use is not known. Easy-Flo 3 should not be used where the joints are exposed to direct contact with food, because of its cadmium content.
Easy-Flo 3, is used extensively in brazing tungsten carbide inserts for wood and metal cutting, and for mining tools.
Easy-Flo 3 is recommended for the brazing of aluminum bronze to steel as the nickel content offsets the harmful effect of diffusion of aluminum into the brazing alloy.
Characteristics:Easy-Flo 3 differs from most other silver brazing filler metals in that it is rather sluggish even at temperatures above its flow point. For this reason it will fill larger gaps than more fluid alloys and may be used where clearances between joint surfaces cannot be kept within the tolerances normally recommended. This characteristic of Easy-Flo 3 also makes it easier to produce larger fillets where fillets are required for appearance or for affecting the distribution of stresses in an assembly.
Easy-Flo 3 has a tendency to liquate (i.e. separate into low and high melting constituents) and is preferably used where the assembly is to be heated rapidly through the melting range of the filler metal. It is not a good alloy for furnace brazing where it has to be preplaced externally on the assembly, but may be used successfully for furnace brazing where it can be preplaced internally in the joint area in the form of shims or rings, and where heating is rapid.
Specifications:T his alloy is made to conform to the following specifications- AWS A5.8 BAg-3, SAE-AMS 4771, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II-C SFA 5.8 BAg-3
Information provided by Lucas-Milhaupt, Inc.