BorsodChem ONGROVIL S-468 Suspension PVC-Resin
Subcategory: Vinyl; Thermoplastic
Material Notes: S-468 is a suspension type PVC homopolymer of medium molecular mass. It is characterized by a porous particle structure, a narrow range of particle size and a relatively high apparent density. It retains its excellent pourability even after compounding. Field of application: Ongrovil S-468 is suitable primarily for rigid applications. Its high apparent density makes it especially suitable for the extrusion of rigid tubes and profiles. Information provided by BorsodChem Rt.
Available Properties |
- Apparent Bulk Density
- Particle Size
- Collected Volatile Condensable Material
- # of Impurities
- K-Value
- Pouring Time, sec (max)
Property Data |
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