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Dyna-Purge® SF Purging Compound


Subcategory: Purging Compound

Material Notes:
Designed for Sheet & Profile Co-Extrusion & Multi-Layer Film

General Description:

DYNA-PURGE SF is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, with a proprietary foaming agent, which allows the purge to expand and scrub the screw and barrel, die, and other downstream equipment. The material is designed for extruders and co-extruders that have limited clearances related to screenpacks, mixing or metering devices, etc., when processing sheet, profile, and single or multi-layer blown film.


  • Excellent for color changes, resin changes, preventative machine maintenance, and before manual cleaning
  • Ideal for use when screen packs can’t be removed from the extruder, when the die head has clearance of less than .025 inch (.65 mm), or for when there are metering and mixing devices
  • Effective through a wide temperature range 320°F-575°F(160°C-302°C)
  • Easy to use – no process adjustment necessary – use at the resident resin processing temperature and RPM speed
  • Non-abrasive thermoplastic, which thoroughly loosens carbonized and degraded resin, allowing it to be flushed out of the system
  • Safe, non-hazardous, with no chemicals – ingredients are FDA compliant
  • Heat stable – recommended during shutdown and start-up
  • Low “cost-per-purge” – only small quantity needed to be effective
  • No mixing required – simply use “as is”
  • Unlimited shelf life
Dyna-Purge is the top performing purging compound on the market today. The product line offers superior cleaning and economic value over in-house methods and other commercial purging compounds. We invite you to sample Dyna-Purge at no charge, so you can prove it to yourself. Dyna-Purge, the industry leader for over 20 years!

Available Properties
  • Processing Temperature
  • Amount of Purge (Extrusion)
  • Screen Packs or other flow restrictions (Ext.)
  • Types of Resins
Property Data

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