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Texaco Regal® R&O 32 VSI


Subcategory: Fluid

Close Analogs: CPS Number: 223326; MSDS Number: 10942

Material Notes:
Texaco Regal R&O oils deliver value through:

  • Rust prevention — Prevents rust on surfaces above and below the oil level during long-term storage.

Texaco Regal R&O 32 VSI is a fully formulated ISO 32 turbine oil quality lubricant with antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors and anti-foam additives.

It is formulated to prevent rusting in lubricating oil systems in areas above the oil level for units such as oil reservoirs, gear cases, bearing houses, piping and similar system components during the time equipment is shut down for long-term storage.

While most rust inhibitors used in lubricants are effective in preventing rust on areas in contact with the oil, areas above the oil level are unprotected when the equipment is shut down for extended periods.

Steel above the oil level may be exposed to atmospheric water vapor, as well as condensate, which will ultimately cause rust.

This condition is particularly critical for new or rebuilt equipment which nay be stored before use, equipment that may be shut down during a seasonal lay-up, or equipment in shipment. Typical equipment includes turbines, hydraulic and circulating oil systems, pumps, bearings and gearboxes.

Texaco Regal R&O 32 VSI contains a volatile rust inhibitor. The vapor coats the exposed metal surfaces in the space above the oil level to form a rust preventative barrier that combats vapor space rusting.

Texaco Regal R&O 32 VSI should be added undiluted, at a 100% concentration to the sump or reservoir and brought up to 27-49°C (80-120°F). At higher oil temperatures, vaporization may cause excessive inhibitor loss.

The lubricant system should be sealed off as tightly as possible from the outside atmostphere. All inlets and outlets should be plugged or sealed. Most oil circulating systems and reservoirs afford a relatively closed system. Any reduction in system ventilation will help improve the corrosion inhibitng action. No attempt should be made to protect a completely open system or any system exposed to external weater conditions.

Draining and flushing the storage lubricant from the system before startup is recommended, particularly for equipment that has been in extended storage. This will remove any water that may have formed by atmostpheric condensation and avoid compatibility issues in the event a different or incompatible lubricant is introduced.

In the even that there is a desire to startup the system with the storage lubricant, we recommend having a sample of the storage lubricant analyzed to verify its condition prior to startup.

Do not use Texaco Regal R&O 32 VSI in high pressure systems in the vicinity of flames, sparks and hot surfaces. Use only in well ventilated areas. Keep container closed.

Typical test data are average values only. Minor variations which do not affect product performance are to be expected in normal manufacturing.

Available Properties
  • API Gravity
  • Viscosity Measurement
  • Saybolt Viscosity at 100°F
  • Saybolt Viscosity at 210°F
  • Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C (104°F)
  • Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C (212°F)
  • Oxidative Stability
  • Acid Value
  • Pour Point
  • Flash Point
  • Corrosion, Copper Strip
  • Rust Prevention
Property Data

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