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Texaco Thermatex® EP NLGI Grade 1


Subcategory: Fluid; Lubricant

Close Analogs: CPS Number: 222313; MSDS Number: 8707

Material Notes:
Texaco Thermatex EP greases deliver value through:

  • High temperature stability — Will not melt at high temperatures, but will remain in place on bearing surfaces and continue to provide excellent lubricity.
  • High film strength — High film strength assures good performance under heavy load and shock load conditions. Minimizes wear.
  • Leak prevention — Grease makeup prevents leakage and water washout from bearings.
  • High temperature performance — No-melt silica thickener keeps lubricant in place at high temperature conditions.

Texaco Thermatex EP are organoclay greases.

They are manufactured using high viscosity, high viscosity index base oils and contain effective rust and oxidation inhibitors.

Texaco Thermatex EP greases provide outstanding lubrication in industrial applications where extremely high temperatures are encountered. The dropping points of Texaco Thermatex EP exceed 260°C (500°F).

Texaco Thermatex EP greases have very high film strength and perform well under shock load conditions. They minimize wear and prevent scuffing.

Their high viscosity oil and high viscosity additive characteristics enable these lubricants to seal bearings and resist leakage and washout.

Under high temperature operating conditions, the "no melt" thickener keeps the lubricant in place long after conventional multipurpose greases would have melted and run out of bearings.

Texaco Thermatex EP greases have excellent pumpability characteristics.

Texaco Thermatex EP greases are recommended for industrial applications subjected to very high temperatures where a lubricant which will not melt is required.

Typical applications are plain or journal bearings, antifriction bearings, gear cases in kiln cars, conveyors in ceramic and paint baking ovens furnace doors, shafts extending through furnaces, etc.

Typical test data are average values only. Minor variations which do not affect product performance are to be expected in normal manufacturing.


  1. Minimum operating temperature is the lowest temperature at which a grease, already in place, could be expected to provide lubrication. Most greases cannot be pumped at these minimum temperatures.
  2. Maximum operating temperature is the highest temperature at which the grease could be used with frequent (daily) relubrication.
  3. Determined on mineral oil extracted by vacuum filtration.

Available Properties
  • Saybolt Viscosity at 100°F
  • Saybolt Viscosity at 210°F
  • Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C (104°F)
  • Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C (212°F)
  • Penetration P(60), 1/10 mm
  • Timken Test
  • Maximum Service Temperature, Air
  • Minimum Service Temperature, Air
  • Flash Point
  • Dropping Point
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Thickener, %
Property Data

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