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Texaco Texcool® EXL 305


Close Analogs: CPS Number: 226769; MSDS Number: 10677

Material Notes:
In service Texcool EXL products provide:

  • A 32,000 hour/8 years of service life with no inhibitor additions needed
  • No regular inhibitor testing required
  • Excellent heat transfer and corrosion protection for all cooling system metals, including aluminum
  • A silicate free product which eliminates the formation of silicate gels
  • Complete protection of all cooling system metals
  • Phosphate free formulation that reduces hard water scale build-up
  • 100% biodegradable coolant in its unused form

    Texcool EXL coolant/antifreezes are superior quality, single phase, ethylene glycol based products using Chevrons patented extended life carboxylate corrosion inhibitor system with nitrite and molybdate. These silicate and phosphate free coolants are formulated for stationary equipment applications and provide complete cooling system protection of all cooling system components along with improved heat transfer and reduced hard water scale build-up. In large stationary engine applications, these silicate and phosphate free heat transfer fluids have a service life of 32,000 hours or 8 years with no inhibitor additions needed.

    Texcool EXL 305 is a 50/50 mixture of Texcool 300 and deionized water.

    Texcool EXL products are all silicate, nitrate, borate, phosphate, and amine free. The patented carboxylate corrosion inhibitors give these products a service life of 32,000 hours or 8 years in stationary engine applications with no inhibitor additions needed. To further extend the recommended service life of any Texcool EXL product beyond the 32,000 hours stated service life, a sample of the coolant should be sent to Chevron for analysis.

    Note: Typically, stationary engines have large coolant reserves and therefore exhibit minimal inhibitor depletion. Engines with previous histories of problems, such as excessive cavitation should be monitored yearly to insure that corrosion inhibitor package is at acceptable levels.

    Texcool EXL 300 should not be diluted by greater than 60 percent or by less than 30 percent with deionized water.

    Texcool EXL 304 and 305 should be used as manufactured without any further dilution.

    Please note that the Texcool EXL series of coolant/heat transfer fluids are not based on the traditional phosphate and borate-type inhibitors. As such, no direct comparison can be made between the carboxylatebased inhibitors of the Texcool EXL series versus traditional coolants when it comes to pH and reserve alkalinity (RA) values.

    It is more important, if pH is being monitored, that there is no radical change from the values listed below.

    ASTM eliminated the requirements for reserve alkalinity to report value status for both ASTM D 3306 and ASTM D 4985. These actions by ASTM acknowledge that coolants which are not based on phosphate and borate can provide excellent corrosion protection for cooling system metals.

    Texcool EXL products have application as heavy duty industrial coolants and heat transfer fluids. The unique inhibitor system is designed to protect brass, copper, solder, steel, cast iron, aluminum, and other metals commonly found in industrial cooling systems.

    Texcool EXL products are suitable for use in stationary engines used in natural gas processing, irrigation, power generation, oil field operations, and portable air compressors. Texcool EXL products provide protection against overheating and freezing and give total cavitation/corrosion protection of cooling/heat transfer systems. Extensive simulated service and actual field service tests have proven the effectiveness of the Texcool EXL products.

    Other applications for Texcool EXL products include acting as a heat transfer fluid in snow melting systems, loading ramps, walkways, highways, airfield runways, and as a coolant in ice skating rinks and air conditioning systems.

    Note: These products are not to be used to protect the inside of potable water systems against freezing.

    Texcool EXL 300 meets the requirements of

    • Caterpillar EC-1
    • ASTM D 4985, ASTM D 3306, ASTM D 6210

    Texcool EXL 305 meets the requirements of: ASTM D 4656, ASTM D 5345

    Typical test data are average values only. Minor variations which do not affect product performance are to be expected in normal manufacturing.


    1. Based on a closed system with a 15 lb pressure cap.

    Available Properties
    • Specific Gravity
    • Melting Point
    • Appearance
    • Boil Over, °C
    • Reseve Alkalinity (mL)
    • Silicate %
    Property Data

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