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Metallic Elements Property Data

MatWeb has entries for all metallic elements with atomic numbers through 100 (fermium), as well as common non-metallic elements.  MatWeb is the site to visit if you need to find the heat of fusion of Cobalt, heat capacity of Platinum, or the density of Gold.

You may quickly find a data sheet of a specific element by entering its name in the Search box at the top of any MatWeb page (see example below).  The data sheet link for the pure element will appear above those for alloys, oxides, and salts in MatWeb's default odering system.

The fastest way to find the database entries for all pure metallic elements is to follow the link at the top to Search By Material Type and select "Pure Metallic Elements" - this feature is reproduced below.

Click here
(Click on the image to go there)

No matter how you reach MatWeb's entries for specific metallic elements, you will find complete physical property data.  The MatWeb staff has collected extensive data from manufacturers and the literature to bring you values for properties such as tensile strength, density, coefficient of thermal expansion, elastic modulus, melting point, etc.

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